Revised Subsidiary Legislation

Short Title
The Access to Information Act
The Administrator-General's Act
The Advertisments Regulations Act
The Affiliation Act
The Agricultural Credit Board Act
The Agricultural Marketing Act
The Agricultural Produce Act
The Airports (Economic Regulation) Act
The Airports Authority Act
The Aliens Act
The Animals (Control of Experiments) Act
The Animals (Diseases and Importation) Act
The Aquaculture, Inland and Marine Products and By Products Act
The Architects Registration Act
The Archives Act
The Arrangement of Sections
The Bail Act
The Bank of Jamaica Act
The Bath of St Thomas The Apostle Act
The Bauxite (Production Levy) Act
The Bauxite and Alumina Industries (Encouragement) Act
The Beach Control Act
The Bees Control Act
The Bicycles (Control of Second-Hand) Act
The Books (preservation and Registration of Copies) Act
The Broadcasting and Radio Re-diffusion Act
The Burial within Towns' Limits Act
The Calcium Carbide (Sale and Storage) Act
The Child Care and Protection Act
The Cinematograph Act
The Civil Aviation Act
The Coconut Insurance Act
The Coconut Industry Control Act
The Coffee Industry Regulation Act
The Companies Act
The Constables (District) Act
The Constitution of Jamaica
The Consular Fees Act
The Coroners Act
The Cremation Act
The Crime (Prevention of ) Act
The Criminal Justice (Administration) Act
The Criminal Justice (Reform) Act
The Customs Duties (Dumping and Subsidies) Act
The Dangerous Drugs Act
The Defence Act
The Dental Act
The Deporation (Commonwealth Citizens) Act
The Deposit Insurance Act
The Designs Act
The Drug Court (Treatment, etc. of Offenders) Act
The Education Act
The Electoral Commission (Interim) Act
The Employment Agencies Act
The Endangered Species (Protection, etc.) Act
The Financial Administration and Audit Act
The Fire Brigade Act
The Fishing Industry Act
The Flogging Regulation Act
The Flood-Water Control Act
The Foreign Sales Corporation Act
The Friendly Socities Act
The Gray's Charity Act
The Gun Court Act
The Habour Fees Act
The Harbours Act
The Hire-Purchase Act
The Holidays (Public General) Act
The Hotels (Incentives) Act
The Immigration Restriction (Commonwealth Citizens) Act
The Industrial And Provident Societies Act
The Industrial Incentives (factory Construction Act
The Inter-American Development Bank Act
The Irrigation Act
The Jamaica 4-H Clubs Act
The Jamaica Combined Cadet Force Act
The Jamaica Development Bank Act
The Jamaica Export Free Zones Act
The Jamaica Gazette Act
The Jamaica National Heritage Trust Act
The Jamaica Racing Commission Act
The Jamaica Railway Corporation Act
The Jamaican Nationality Act
The Judgments and Awards (Reciprocal Enforcement) Act
The Judgments Foreign (Reciprocal Enforcement) Act
The Judicature (Family Court) Act
The Judicature (Supreme Court) Act
The Judicature (Supreme Court) Additional Powers of Registrar Act
The Judicial Services Regulations
The Jury Act
The Justices of the Peace ( Official Seals)
The Keeping of Animals Act
The Kingston and St. Andrew (Cemeteries) Act
The Kingston and St. Andrew Building Act
The Kingston and St. Andrew Corporation Act
The Kingston Improvements Act
The Labour Relations and Industrial Disputes Act
The Land Bonds Act
The Land Development and Utilization Act
The Land Development Duty Act
The Land Improvement Tax
The Land Surveyors Act
The Land Valuation Act
The Law Revision Act
The Legal Aid Act
The Legal Deposit Act
The Leprosy Act
The Litter Act
The Loans (Canada and USA and other Specified Countries) Act
The Loans (National Development Bonds) Act
The Loans (National Savings Bonds) Act
The Loans to Small Business
The Local Improvements Act
The Local Industries (Safeguarding) Act
The Local Registered Stock Act
The Maintenance Orders (facilities For Enforcement) Act
The Mandeville Parade Act
The Marriage Act
The Medical Act
The Merchandise Marks Act
The Metal and Jewellery (Control of Second-Hand) Act
The Minerals (Vesting) Act
The Mining Act
The Mortgage Insurance Act
The Municipal Service Commission Act
The Municipalities
The National Health Services Act
The National Honours and Awards Act
The National Housing Trust Act
The National Insurance Act
The National Solid Waste Management Act
The National Water Commission Act
The Natural Resources Conservation Authority Act
The NIR Bill for submission to Cabinet v4
The Notaries Public Act
The Nurses and Midwives Act
The Nursing Homes Registration Act
The Opticians Act
The Parish Councils (Unified Service) Act
The Parish Councils Act
The Parish Councils Building Act
The Parishes (Abandoned Cemeteries) Act
The Parishes Water Supply Act
The Parliament (Integrity of Members) Act
The Parochial Rates and Finance Act
The Passport Act
The Pensions (Superannuation Funds and Retirement Schemes) Act
The Pesticides Act
The Petroleum (Quality Control) Act
The Petroleum Act
The Petroleum Oil Fuel (Landing and Storage) Act
The Petroleum Refining Industry (Encouragement) Act
The Pharmacy Act
The Pilotage Act
The Plants (Quarantine) Act
The Poor Relief Act
The Port Authority Act
The Port workers (Superannuation Fund) Act
The Proceeds of Crime Act
The Processed Food Act
The Professional Engineers Registration Act
The Professions Supplementary To Medicine Act
The Protection of Geographical Indications Act
The Provident Fund Act
The Public Accountancy Act
The Public Bodies Management and Accountability Act
The Public Broadcasting Corporation of Jamaica Act
The Public Cemetery Management And Regulation Acy
The Public Gardens Regulation Act
The Public Passenger Transport (Kingston Metropolitan Transport Region
The Public Passenger Transport (Rural Area) Act
The Public Utlities Protection Act
The Quarantine Act
The Radio and Telegraph Control Act
The Record Office Act
The Registration (Births and Deaths) Act
The Registration (Strata Titles) Act
The Registration of Business Names Act
The Registration of Clubs Act
The Registration of Titles Act
The Registration of Titles Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarificatio
The Rent Restriction Act
The Representation of The People (Interim Electoral Reform) Act
The Representation of the People Act
The River Rafting Act
The Road Traffic Act
The Rum (Ether) Control Act
The Safeguard Act
The Shipping Act
The Spirit Licence Act
The Stamp Duty Act
The Standards Act
The Statistics Act
The Students' Loan Fund Act
The Sugar (Reserve Funds) Act
The Sugar Cane Farmers (Incorporation and Cess) Act
The Sugar Industry Control Act
The Telegraph Act
The Apprenticeship Act
The Betting, Gaming, and Lotteries Act
The Casino Gaming Act
The Corrections Act
The Credit Reporting Act
The Customs Act
The Excise Duty Act
The Firearms Act
The Food and Drugs Act
The Food Storage and Prevention of Infestation Act
The Foreign Nationals and Commonwealth Citizens (Employment) Act
The General Consumption Tax Act
The Holidays with Pay Act
The Jamaica Dairy Development Board Act
The Mental Health Act
The Minimum Wage Act
The Office of Utilities Regulation Act
The Post Office Act
The Precursor Chemicals Act
The Private Security Regulation Authority Act
The Public Health Act
The Quarries Control Act
The Real Estate (Dealers and Developers) Act
The Revenue Administration Act
The Securities Act
The Security Interests in Personal Property Act
The Shops and Offices Act
The Tax Collection Act
The Technical Assistance (Immunities and Privileges) Act
The Telecommunications Act
The Toll Roads Act
The Transport Authority Act
The Tourist (Duty-Free) Shopping System Act
The Tourist Board Act
The Town and Country Planning Act
The Trade Marks Act
The Trade Union Act
The Transfer Tax Act
The Travel Agencies Regulation Act
The Travel Tax Act
The Underground Water Control Act
The Undesirable Publications (Prohibition of Importation) Act
The Unit Trusts Act
The University Hospital Act
The Unlawful Possession of Property Act
The Unversity Students Cess Act
The Urban Renewal (Tax Relief) Act
The Venereal Disease Act
The Veterinary Act
The Visiting Forces Act
The Water Act
The Water Resources Act
The Watersheds Protection Act
The Weights and Measures Act
The Wharfage Act
The Wild Life Protection Act
The Witnesses Expenses Act
The Women (Employment of) Act
The Workmen's Compensation Act
The Workers Savings and Loan Bank Act
The Banking Services Act
The Committal Proceedings Act
The Contractors Levy Act
The Electricity Act
The Executive Agencies Act
The Judicature (Parish Court) Act
The Timeshare Vacations Act
The Employment (Termination and Redundancy Payments) Act
The Insolvency Act